Thursday, September 19, 2013

Job Interview!

The reason I haven't blogged this week, is because I had a job interview on Monday, and have spent the remaining days of the week hoping that I will soon be employed and able to dress like any of the lovely ladies in the photo above. If you are curious, those photos are from NY & Company's website. If you know of any other places that would be great places to shop for business casual outfits, please let me know in the comments, because NY & Company and Express are pretty much my go-to places for those types of clothes. The job that I interviewed for is very business casual, and a lot of people wear jeans every day. This is wonderful, because I love jeans and would prefer to wear them over anything else 99% of the time. I always have a fairly easy time finding jeans and dress pants, but I feel like I can never find any tops that I like.

There have been a few other things that have kept me from blogging, so let's get into those now, shall we? Here is the second thing.

Some of you may be very familiar with this book, and some of you may not. It's another young adult dystopian novel. I'm only halfway through it, and although it doesn't seem to be anything like The Hunger Games, you would probably like it, if you like those books. Also like The Hunger Games (and Harry Potter and Twilight), it is being turned into a movie, and should be coming out in 2014, if I remember correctly. The main character is being played by Shailene Woodley. So far, I am liking the book pretty well. I haven't been able to put it down much today, and to be honest, I can't wait until I'm finished writing this blog, so I can continue reading it. If any of you decide to read it, let me know! There is a second book, and the third book comes out next month. Maybe we can start a book club or something! 

Here's the last thing that has kept me away from my blog, and you probably have no idea what this picture even means. Let me tell you. I have a YouTube channel, and today I was shooting a YouTube video. It's a "YouTube Survey 2013" tag, and if you have any desire to see it, it will be on my channel probably sometime around mid-afternoon tomorrow (September 20th). My channel is This picture is the end slide I use in my videos. Every week, I include a list of all my new subscribers! It's my way of showing that I appreciate that they subscribed to my channel. If they actually post videos, then it also helps to promote them, as well. If you're guessing that I'm hinting for you to subscribe, then you are right! I'll include your name in the slide for next week's video, and another fun bonus, is that when I reach 500 subscribers, I'm doing the baby food challenge. Even if you don't subscribe, if you have a YouTube channel, please let me know in the comments! I am always excited to meet other YouTubers, and would love to do a collab video with any of you, if you like doing those. 

And now, I'm going to read Divergent until I fall asleep!

-xo, Rachel Corinne

Friday, September 13, 2013

Blogger Themes

If you've stumbled upon my blog, you've probably realized that I have a very generic theme/layout/whatever you call it. I have been browsing the Internet trying to find a site that has better themes available, and so far, I haven't been very successful. If you know of a website I could use, please leave a comment, send me an email, tweet me, or do whatever you need to do. I would greatly appreciate it!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

I Have A Blog!

Hello, party people. I know what you're thinking. "Why did you just call us 'party people?' We're reading a blog post. That hardly qualifies as partying." Well, to answer your question, it is 9pm and I have a headache. I took Excedrin (which has caffeine in it) and sleeping pills at the same time. Probably wasn't the best idea, but there's no going back on it now. The rest of this post will most likely go downhill, so bare with me. Unless you're into reading the ramblings of a loopy person, then it may be considered uphill.

Anyway, I suppose I should introduce myself now. As stated in my URL, "iamrachelcorinne." I used that handle because "rachelcorinne" was taken, which really aggravates me, but I will deal with it. Rachel is my first name. Corinne is my middle name. Occasionally, people will assume that Corinne is my last name, but that is not the case. My last name is actually Gosling, and it became my last name on the day that me and Ryan secretly ran off and got married. That was a lie. I promise I don't lie often.

Take a look at my face. That should be included in an introduction, right?

This is the same handle I use on YouTube, so if you'd like an even better way to see how much of an idiot I am, you can visit my channel at A few days ago I uploaded a video of my sister and I doing the chubby bunny challenge. I wish I could tell you the outcome of the video, but then, you would have no real reason to watch it. Aside from YouTube, I'm also on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Vine... and basically any other website that allows me to make an account. If I was not a combination of hyper and tired right now, I would include links to all of those things. Instead, I will just tell you that my name is "rachelcorinne" on most of them, and I'll include the links tomorrow or whenever I log back into this.

Since this is my first blog post, I feel like I have to mention the person who inspired me to create this blog. It was Zoella. I watch her videos on YouTube, and I know that she started running her blog here on Blogger before she ever started making videos, so I thought it may be fun if I started a blog, too. I like blogging. I used to have a blog when I was younger, actually. In fact, the person who has the "rachelcorinne" handle on Blogger may actually be me, but I've just forgotten what my account was. Whoops.

I'm not completely sure what I'm going to be blogging about. Surely, there will be lots of posts of me talking about whatever is going on in my life. I am hoping to include some fashion/style/makeup posts, too, since that kind of stuff interests me. Also, I may (hope, actually) be getting a new job soon, and since I will have to dress business casual if I get it, I am going to try my hardest to be the hippest, most fashionable person in the office. That's not going to happen, but I will give it a whirl.

I said, "give it a whirl." Obviously, that is a sign that this blog post needs to end, and I need to go to sleep. It's been real, ya'll... seriously, I don't know what that was. Bye.

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